※ 4,400 JPY is approximately 40 dollars.
※ Payment method
PayPal / VISA / Master / American Express / Diners / JCB
The music from Michael Hammer and the Mantras from Bob Fickes create an incredibly deep experience to be used both for meditation and for personal healing. This two CD set has been a best seller for 25 years.
there are 4 songs in 2 CDs :
01: Invocation (about 30 minutes)
02: Meditation For Healers (about 30 minutes)
01: I Promise To Release All Karma (about 30 minutes)
02: Mantras For Healing (about 30 minutes)
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- [CD版]CD: 観音ヒーリングマントラ - メディテーションCD・2枚組 (¥4,400)
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