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CD : TARA & JAUPU HEALING CD - Meditation CD ($20)

2,200 JPY

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  ※ 日本国内でこの商品をお求めの方は、日本語の製品案内ページをご覧ください。 この商品はアメリカからの発送となりますので、日本在住の方のご購入はご遠慮ください。 ※ 2,200 JPY is approximately 20 dollars. ※ Payment method PayPal / VISA / Master / American Express / Diners / JCB -- This music by Michael Hammer and Mantras from Bob Fickes first opens with a deep meditative connection to Lady Tara. The second section uses chants from the Shamanic Healing tradition of Thailand recorded live in a remote village in Chiang Mai with added music and mantras by Michael Hammer and Bob Fickes. There are 2 songs in 1 CD : 01: Tara Meditation (about 30 minutes) 02: Japu Healing (about 30 minutes)

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